
Brave New Normal—A Virtual Parable

UniPerArts, University of Nottingham Malaysia






Duration: 75 minutes, followed by Q&A



RM35.00/ approx NT$257.00

Brave New Normal is the original adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, translocated to a world, very similar to ours, in which mankind, for the sake of fairness and safety, lives isolated in an unreal bubble—“the New Normal”—subordinated to its own inventions: science, technology and social organisation.




Jul 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)


Brave New Normal is a parable about the dehumanisation of human beings. In the dystopia described in this story, mankind lives isolated and subordinated to its own inventions: science, technology and social organisation. These creations have ceased to serve society; they have become its masters. Nearly a century has passed since Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was published. In that time, our world has taken so many steps in the wrong direction that, if Huxley were writing it today, he would likely date this story not 600 years in the future, as he originally did, but in a close, close one—one in which people, for the sake of fairness and safety, lived in an unreal bubble, that they could have named “the New Normal”.  The price of liberty, and even of common humanity, is eternal vigilance.

Tickets : General RM35, Patron of the Arts RM50.

About the Festival

Brave New Normal—A Virtual Parable is one of the highlights of the Brave New Normal International Festival, an artistic and academic encounter that intends to propose a critical and creative insight into the forthcoming new society. 
The Festival will run from the 16th to the 24th of July 2021, and comprises a number of creative and scholarly outputs: 

  • 16th July 2021: Symposium on “Creative Industries and Performing Arts in the (Brave) New Normal” (Zoom) 
  • 17th July 2021: Multidisciplinary Virtual Performance “Night of Music & Poetry” (CloudTheatre)
  • 18th July 2021: Contemporary Music concert (Vimeo)
  • 19th to 22nd July 2021: Creative virtual workshops—Drama, Flamenco, Chinese Music, Creative Writing (Zoom)
  • 23rdand 24th July 2021: Première of the virtual play “Brave New Normal”, original adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s capital work “Brave New World” to the post-pandemic society. (CloudTheatre)

For more details on the Brave New Normal Festival visit here

The Team

Adapted & Directed by Sergio Camacho, based in Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’

  • Original Music: Sergio Camacho
  • Assistant Director: Shamini Vasu
  • Head of Production: Elynn Tan
  • Production Design: Pixie T. and Elynn Tan
  • International Unit Producer: Derek Irwin
  • Artwork: Ignacio de Juana
  • Poster Design: Sergio Camacho

Cast (in order of appearance):

Resident Controller, Mustapha Nakamoto: Derek Irwin 

Eliza, the Voice of the New Normal: Pixie T.

Thomas Tesla, Director of Hatchery and Conditioning: Sergio Camacho 

Elona Lovelace: Carmen Hew

Alanis Zuckerberg: Amanda Angela Danker

Ada Russell: Claudia Song

Bernard Musk: Choo Tze Shien

Helmholtz Leibniz: Edward Wong

Nurse Minsky: Jay Chow

Delta Janitor/ Nurse Turing: Caesar Pei 

John, the Savage: Hakeem Hisanuddin

Linda, the Mother: Izzati Nordin

Gamma Bokanovsky: Elynn Tan

Nurse Moore: Shamini Vasu

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