CloudTheatre On-Demand
日期: 23/02–19/03/2023
時間: 12:00AM
Duration: 166 minutes (2hrs 46 mins)
RM22.50/ approx NT$167.00RM25.00/ approx NT$185.00
RM22.50/ approx NT$167.00
RM22.50/ approx NT$167.00RM25.00/ approx NT$185.00
RM22.50/ approx NT$167.00
Duration: 166 minutes (2hrs 46 mins)
A ghostly visitor with a shocking secret, a daughter devastated by loss, a deadly duel and the most famous question in all of drama: Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy will hold you spellbound. Hamlet has been called the greatest play and this Stratford Festival production “the most complete, most fulfilling, most satisfying in decades.
23 Feb – 19 Mar, 2023
Watch Online Anytime
The ticket will be valid from February 23, 2023, to March 19, 2023, and once you start watching it, you will have 24 hours to finish.
PRINCIPAL CAST: Jonathan Goad, Seana McKenna, Geraint Wyn Davies, Tim Campbell, Adrienne Gould, Tom Rooney, Mike Shara.
PLAYWRIGHT: William Shakespeare
DIRECTOR: Antoni Cimolino
PRODUCER: Melbar Entertainment
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is in mourning for his dead father, the king. He's also disturbed by how quickly his mother, Gertrude, has remarried - and by the fact that her new spouse is Claudius, her late husband's brother (and thus Hamlet's uncle). Hamlet's disgust at this incestuous union, which has also robbed him of his succession to the throne, turns to fury when his father's ghost appears and reveals that he was murdered by Claudius. Vowing revenge, Hamlet decides to feign madness until an opportunity presents itself. Polonius, the lord chamberlain, thinks that Hamlet's strange behaviour springs from love for his daughter, Ophelia, but Claudius soon begins to suspect otherwise.
The arrival of a travelling theatre company gives Hamlet the idea of re-enacting his father's murder to startle Claudius into revealing his guilt. Claudius is indeed shocked by the performance, but Hamlet's triumph is short-lived; while arguing with his mother in her bedroom, he stabs an eavesdropper hiding behind a curtain, only to discover that it is Polonius he has killed, not Claudius. Claudius sends Hamlet to England, secretly intending to have him put to death there. Meanwhile, Ophelia, driven mad by grief, commits suicide. Hamlet escapes, however, and returns to Denmark, whereupon Claudius urges Laertes to challenge him to a fencing match, in which Laertes will secretly poison the tip of his sword. But when both combatants receive mortal wounds, the dying Laertes reveals the plot, whereupon Hamlet kills Claudius before succumbing to his own inevitable fate.
《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)是英国剧作家威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)最负盛名的剧本,也是其四大悲剧中最早、最繁复而且篇幅最长的一部。复杂的人物性格以及丰富完美的悲剧艺术手法,代表着整个西方文艺复兴时期文学的最高成就。该剧讲述了叔叔克劳狄斯谋害了哈姆雷特的父亲,篡取了王位,并娶了国王的遗孀乔特鲁德;哈姆雷特王子因此为父王向叔叔复仇。
《哈姆雷特》被广泛地改编为各种舞台剧和影视作品。2015年,由安东尼·奇莫利诺 (Antoni Cimolino)执导、乔纳森·戈德 (Jonathan Goad)、西娜·麦肯纳 (Seana McKenna)主演的《哈姆雷特》在加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节(Stratford Festival)正式上演。
Antoni Cimolino 安东尼·奇莫利诺
Antoni Cimolino is a well-known director and actor from Canada who currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Stratford Festival. Cimolino began his career as an actor at the Stratford Festival in 1988. He later switched to theatre management and stage direction when Richard Monette was appointed artistic director in 1994, becoming executive director in 1998 and general director in 2007. During the Monette years, Cimolino established funds to provide financial stability for the Festival, and helped secure funding to open the Festival's Studio Theatre in 2002. An accomplished director, Cimolino has staged successful Shakespearean productions in Stratford and Detroit, including King Lear, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, and Hamlet. He was selected to become the artistic director at Stratford Festival in 2013. In December 2015, Cimolino was appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada for contributions to Canadian theatre and arts leadership.
安东尼·奇莫利诺 (Antoni Cimolino),加拿大著名导演、演员,现任加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节(Stratford Festival)艺术总监。代表作品:加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节《李尔王》(King Lear)、《麦克白》(Macbeth)、《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)和《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)等。
Jonathan Goad 乔纳森·戈德
Jonathan Goad is a renowned Canadian film, television, and stage actor, and a nominee of Canada's Dora Mavor Moore and Betty Mitchell theatre awards. He is best known for his roles in the Stratford Festival's production of Hamlet and television shows such as Republic of Doyle, Reign, Unnatural History, Star Trek: Discovery, Transparent, Heartland, Murdoch Mysteries, and Frankie Drake Mysteries.
乔纳森·戈德 (Jonathan Goad),加拿大著名影视及舞台剧演员。代表作品:加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet);电视剧《多伊小队》 (Republic of Doyle)、《风中的女王》 (Reign)、《奇妙的历史》 (Unnatural History)、《星际迷航:发现号》 (Star Trek: Discovery)、《异乡医生》(Transparent)、《心灵之地》(Heartland)、《通天神探梅铎》(Murdoch Mysteries)、《弗兰基·德雷克之谜》(Frankie Drake Mysteries)等。
Seana McKenna 西娜·麦肯纳
Seana McKenna is a highly acclaimed Canadian film, television, and stage actress, and a recipient of the Genie Awards for Best Supporting Actress. She is known for her roles in the Stratford Festival's productions of Hamlet and Twelfth Night, as well as in theater productions such as Antony and Cleopatra, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, Pygmalion, and the film The Hanging Garden.
西娜·麦肯纳 (Seana McKenna),加拿大著名影视及舞台剧演员,曾获吉尼奖 (Genie Awards)最佳女配角。代表作品:加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night);话剧《安东尼与克丽奥佩托拉》 (Antony and Cleopatra)、《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》 (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)、《欲望号街车》( A Streetcar Named Desire)、《卖花女》 (Pygmalion);电影《空中花园》( The Hanging Garden)等。