第二十一届马大灯笼节文娱晚会 21st PTUM Cultural Night
RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00RM20.00/ approx NT$148.00RM50.00/ approx NT$370.00
RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00
RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00RM20.00/ approx NT$148.00RM50.00/ approx NT$370.00
RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00
Jan 2022
8:00PM (GMT+8)
线上虚拟舞台剧 -《非凡家族》故事简介
Virtual Stage Play - The Extraordinaire Synopsis
Arfan’s family was all formed by monsters. They dressed up like humans to coexist peacefully with humans. Arfan’s family had always gotten along very well, and they treated each other with admiration. This family had a unique way of communicating, which is by yelling at each other enthusiastically. The louder the roar, the greater the love. On a random morning, there was widespread news on the Internet that the century virus has hit the world, and it was getting viral. Since the situation at home was dangerous, their father, the head of the family, declared that the family had entered the first state of emergency. According to the rules, everyone must stay isolated in their rooms until the pandemic recovers. At the beginning, everyone was still in peace, sharing and attentive to the latest news of the pandemic. They will also concern each other’s situations through video calls and yelling at each other to show solicitude . But as time passed, they began to have unpleasant conflicts over some trivial matters. Everyone became bored with life as if they had lost their motivation for life. Due to the pandemic, the seeds of rebellion slowly sowed into each of everyone in the family , which gradually formed estrangement between them.
Sinopsis Persembahan Seni Teater Maya – The Extraordinaire
Keluarga Arfan terdiri daripada raksasa. Mereka akan menyamar diri sebagai manusia agar dapat hidup bersama secara aman dengan manusia. Selama ini, keluarga Arfan bergaul dengan intim, dan mereka juga berkasih sayang antara satu sama lain. Keluarga ini mempunyai cara berkomunikasi yang unik, yakni menjerit dengan penuh bersemangat sesama sendiri. Semakin kuat jeritannya, semakin mendalam cintanya. Pada suatu pagi, sebuah berita tentang virus yang semakin berleluasa di seluruh dunia telah diviralkan di Internet. Oleh sebab situasi dalam rumah yang amat bahaya, bapa Arfan, sebagai ketua keluarga, mengumumkan darurat dilaksanakan dalam rumah. Semua ahli keluarga mestilah menjalankan pengasingan fizikal dan berada di bilik masing-masing sehingga situasi pandemik tersebut berubah baik. Pada mulanya, keluarga Arfan masih berada dalam keadaan aman, dan mereka akan berkongsi berita berkaitan pandemik serta bertanyakan keadaan satu sama lain melalui panggilan video. Mereka akan berjerit-jerit melalui alat berkomunikasi sebagai tanda cinta. Walau bagaimanapun, lama-kelamaan, keluarga Arfan mula bertengkar atas konflik yang kecil. Mereka telah penat dengan cara hidup sebegini dan hilang motivasi hidup masing-masing. Akhirnya, ahli keluarga Arfan mula memberontak dan jurang antara mereka telah pun terbentuk.
表演者 Cast
演员 Actor |
梁文聪、陈诗慧、刘锦汶、尤绣雯、蔡美宁、林晓彤、黄子莹、施家萱、李淑雯、官佳仪 Leong Mun Cong, Chan Shi Hui, Low Kim Ven, Yew Siu Wen, Chwa Mei Ning, Lim Hew Thong, Wong Chi Ying, See Jia Xuan, Lee Shu Wen, Kuan Jia Yi |
舞蹈员 Dancer |
陈佩馨、林玮斯、张瑜、李怡璇、陈姿璇、郑巧儿、詹安琪 Chan Pei Zin, Lim Wei Sze, Grace Teoh Yee, Lee Yee Xuan, Tang Chee Shian, Tee Qiao Er, Chan Anne Sze |
舞台剧制作团队 Production Team
线上虚拟舞台剧指导老师 Virtual Stage Play Advisor |
总指导 Director |
爱美丽亚 Amelia Tan |
编剧 Screenwriter |
李明杰 Eagle Lee |
戏剧指导 Drama Advisor |
李明杰、黄商权 Eagle Lee, Eugene Ng |
舞蹈指导 Dance Advisor |
陈美向 Tan Bee Hung |
影像指导 Videography Advisor |
杨秉松、邹靖楷 Alvin Yong, Kai Choh |
造型指导 Costume Design Advisor |
曾穎慧 Eve Chen |
道具与舞台布景指导 Props and Stage Settings Advisor |
曾穎慧 Eve Chen |
表演组 Performance Bureau |
筹委 Executives |
林瑞芹、张智扬、郭悦湘 Lim Swee Khen, Teoh Chi Yang, Kuek Yue Xiang |
工委 Crew |
胡景喻、萧玮晴、庄净涵、谢翊湘、王樱斯 Samantha Oh Jing Yi, Siow Wei Qing, Cheng Jing Han, Cheah Yih Xiang, Emily Wong Ying Sze |
技术组 Technical Bureau |
筹委 Executives |
黄浩玮、曾可丽 Ng Hao Wei, Kelly Chan |
工委 Crew |
罗凯薇、黄捷、林蕻芷、陈子汕、李玮萱、林芷芩、王苑菱、邓钧湧、庄诗涵、陈知见、林迦俊、李卓楠、陈厚安、吴玟杏、张哲勋、李典选、陈之翰、张嘉隽、俞佳敏、沈颖萱 Loo Kai Wei, Jason Wong Jack, Lim Hong Zhi, Chan Chee Sun, Lee Wei Xuan, Lim Tze Ching, Ong Yuan Ling, Tang Jiun Yoong, Chen Shi Han, Tan Zhi Jian, Lim Jiajun, Jordan Lee Zuonan, Tan Hou An, Jan Ng Wen Xin, Chong Je Xun, Lee Tian Sien, Chen Zhi Han, Chong Jia Jun, Je Jia Min, Sim Ying Xuen |
造型设计组 Costume Design Bureau |
筹委 Executives |
卢传荔、李燕姿 Loh Chuan Li, Lee Yen Zi |
工委 Crew |
戴济谦、李嘉仪、陈慧欣、王晓恩、林静盈、刘欣薇、陈逸颂、施企恩、高凯琳、王佳萱、戚芯瑜、张睿悦、赖怡伶、黄颖隆、王鸿威、王泽洧 Tai Ji Qian, Carynn Lee Jia Yee, Tan Hui Xin, Wong Siow Earn, Lim Jing Ying, Low Xin Wei, Tan Yee Song, Caelyn See Qi En, Kau Kye Lynn, Ong Jia Xuan, Cheok Xin Yu, Teo Rui Yue, Elaine Lai Yee Lin, Wong Yinn Long, Hing Hong Way, Ong Ze Wei |
道具与舞台布景组 Props and Stage Settings Bureau |
筹委 Executives |
蔡伟权、曾青丝、安汶垧、张凯杰 Chai Wei Quan, Chin Chin Fang, On Wern Shian, Chong Kai Jie |
工委 Crew |
管佳骏、吴德耀、黄家萱、颜艺盈、贤文轩、陈俊杰、黎俊廷、吳家萱、廖道惠、李诗恩、黄海涵、欧怡慧、周千媚、林镁坪、谢祉怡、林文建、陈紫微 Kuan Jia Jun, Ng Teck Yao, Ng Gay Syuen, Gan Yee Yin, Ying Men Hin, Tan Jun Jie, Lai Jun Ting, Goh Chia Xuan, Liau Toh Hie, Lee Shi En, Ng Hai Han, Aw Yi Hui, Chew Qian Mei, Lim Mei Ping, Chia Tze Yee, Lim Mun Ken, Tan Zhi Wei |
线上虚拟舞台剧支持单位 Virtual Stage Play Supporting Partners
官方平台赞助商 Official Platform Sponsor
CloudTheatre 云剧场
官方舞台器材及灯光赞助 Official Stage Equipment and Lighting Sponsor
Paper Plane Production Sdn Bhd
Lite Event Music & Entertainment
官方面子书 Official Facebook Page | 官方Instagram页面 Official Instagram |
官方网站 Official Website | 官方YouTube频道 Official YouTube Channel
#loveptum #pt21 #灯续光明 #炘翼 #线上虚拟舞台剧 VirtualStagePlay