
Black & White @ VARIATION

Persatuan Kakiseni


日期23 - 24 September 2021




Duration: 1 hour 15 mins



RM20.00/ approx NT$147.00

简单的是颜色 复杂的是人性
忏祷 改变 让心返璞 自然还原

《黑白变》所要表达的“返璞归真“思考,同时也是目前人性与人心败坏而造成伦理价值与大自然遭破坏的热门话题。作品中探讨两个课题,即人性与环境。人类面临现在的天灾人祸,如何去思考未来。这也是作品的主要讯息,借着祸魇不断的发生, 共享空间用了一个舞台作品诉求人性对大自然的破坏及对人类文明富有价值的伦理观念称颂。
黑与白,在颜色色系里是两个截然不一样的色谱,领域分明。不受周围搅合摆弄,从一而终的 黑;无染纯真却容易受环境影响而丧失自己的白。共享空间专业舞团以黑白二色穿透这部舞台 作品,玩味探讨、细细解剖目前时下这个最为人们关心的议题——人性与环境。

Such complexities do our human nature weave that cloud the natural purity of our hearts
Let such brightness of heart and mind shine forth
To transform anew by repentance and forgiveness
The gentle fruit of sincere prayer and mindfulness

‘Black & White @VARIATION’ invokes a reflection on the thought of ‘returning to innocence’, while conveying a moving message on the erosion of ethical values and the reckless damage to Mother Nature. As grim realities of the constantly occurring calamities haunt us, looking at the flow of incidents caused by the darker sides of human nature, this work seeks to deliver a message: in the face of disasters, what can we do for our future? Using the subtle power of a stage performance, Dua Space Dance Theatre sends a silent appeal to the audience against the recklessness and selfishness of our darker nature has inflicted on Mother Nature, and urges us to strive for higher ideals of morality and ethics.
Black and white, distinctly contrasting from one another, taking their own ends of a colour spectrum, as if the definitions for good and evil, the positive and negative. Dua Space challenges the binary norms of how we see our common issues of human nature and environmental concerns.




Sep 2021

8:30PM (GMT+8)



Sep 2021

8:30PM (GMT+8)


This is an archived show.




‘Black & White @ VARIATION was an incredible combination of creativity, artistry, storytelling and technical proficiency.’

Malaysia’s 1st Dance Magazine ‘Just Dance Magazine’ - Mok Shi-Lynn 


Overture      诞生 - 无染的白 Birth - Simply White 
Chapter 1    黑白苹果 Black & White Apple 
Chapter 2    白里的黑蛇 Black Snake in The White
Chapter 3    隐形城市的黑白陌路 Black & White Paths in The Ethereal City
Chapter 4    黑界白界不分的家庭 A Family Where Black & White Tangled Up
Chapter 5    黑白倒带 Reversion of Black & White

About Presenter


创办人马金泉与叶忠文于1998年从美国纽约回国大马发展,成立了共享空间舞团。经过5年的运筹帷幄,2003年终将舞团从业余提升至全职专业艺术舞团,成为本土首个非官方的民间全职性专业舞团,为本土舞蹈历史掀开崭新的一页。舞团英译 “DUA SPACE” ,即喻意交流与共享。


The founders, Anthony Meh and Aman Yap returned to Malaysia in 1998 and established Dua Space Dance Theatre, initially as a part-time dance company and they successfully promoted Dua Space to a full-time professional contemporary dance company in 2003. ‘Dua Space’ brings the meaning of sharing and interaction.

23 years since its establishment, Dua Space has performed in China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Britain, Philippines, India, Spain, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Paraguay, taking Malaysian performing arts to the international scene. The company adopts techniques of contemporary and Chinese dance, adding on elements from other dance genres to enrich its own unique dance language. Its productions combine traditional and modern elements, infusing them with perspectives of local artistic flavours. Hence, Dua Space is said to have successfully established its unique style of dance, choreography and its own interpretation of aesthetics. These not only make Dua Space well accepted by local and international audiences, but also fulfill its motto: ‘Dance nourishes the root of growing arts’, developing dance art in our country to a profound level.


The Creative Team

呈献: 共享空间专业舞团
制作人: 马金泉
艺术总监: 叶忠文
编舞: 马金泉,叶忠文
灯光设计: 陈詠兴
道具与布景: 吴木景
服装设计: 马金泉
拍摄于剪辑: Visualline-the moving picture people

Presented by Dua Space Dance Theatre
Producer: Anthony Meh 
Artistic Director: Aman Yap
Choreographers: Anthony Meh & Aman Yap
Lighting Designer: Tan Eng Heng
Props & Set: Goh Bac Chin
Costume: Anthony Meh
Shooting & Editing: Visualline-the moving picture people


马金泉Anthony Meh Kim Chuan

创办人 /舞团总监 /编舞 
Founder / Managing Director / Choreographer 


Anthony Meh graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts major in dance and joined Taiwan Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company and GGD Dance Company in New York, USA as a professional dancer. He returned to Malaysia in 1998 and established Dua Space Dance Theatre to nurture local young talents by bringing back his knowledge in dance studies and experience of a professional dance career from overseas. Within these 18 years, he put all his efforts into promoting dance art and developing the possibilities to run an artistic dance company in Malaysia. He has gained his reputation for his abilities in choreographing excellent dance creations and managing the dance company. He was awarded the Most Distinguished Young Artist Award in 2003, The Outstanding Young Malaysian Award in 2008, The Asia-Pacific Cultural Industry Creativeness Golden Award in 2009, The Cultural Character of The Year in Global Golden Brand Awards 2010 and honoured with the title of World Chinese Model by World Chinese Venture Model Association in 2011.

叶忠文Aman Yap Choong Boon

创办人 /艺术总监 /编舞 /首席舞者
Founder / Artistic Director / Choreographer / Principal Dancer


Aman Yap was described by international dance critique as "dancer who excels in his performance and choreography". He graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in contemporary dance and former professional dancer of Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Company, Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company and GGD Dance Company in New York, USA. Besides performing with Dua Space, Aman also collaborated with internationally renowned dance artists and theatre practitioners. He has toured and performed over 25 countries and 62 cities around the world, including performing ‘Dance Me to the End of Love’  with Hong Kong Theatre Du Pif as guest artist, touring Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Berlin and Colombia. His performances as the principal dancer in 'The Story of Lim Lian Geok’, 'Hang Li Po' Musical and many more were highly complimented and his creations include 'MW', 'Ancient Inscriptions', 'TWO' and many more other dances.

The Dancer

Principal Dancer: Aman Yap Choong Boon 

Dancers of Dua Space Dance Theatre:
Kenny Leow Thiam Aik
Howard Hew Fuh Hoong 
Lim HongJie
Little Lim Shi Jun
Chen Fun Yen
Mable Khor Say Pheng
Yong Kah Lin
Chong Hoei Tzin

In sequence:
Howard Hew Fuh Hoong, Chen Fun Yen, Kenny Leow Thiam Aik, Lim HongJie
Chong Hoei Tzin, Little Lim Shi Jun, Mable Khor Say Pheng, Yong Kah Lin


序   诞生 - 无染的白
内容提示: 诞生

Chapter 1    黑白苹果 


行于足/ 部落群的游乐 / 关于不同的爱情 / 黑白苹果

Chaper 2. 白里的黑蛇



内容提示:  駶失的 / 繁嘬的黑

Chaper 3. 隐形城市的黑白陌路


内容提示: 小房间/ 隔间/ 自我唯一

Chaper 4. 黑界白界不分的家庭


内容提示: 快乐小天地/ 相煎

Chaper 5. 黑白倒带



内容提示: 黑天铺地/ 出口

Overture     Birth - Simply White
Hint: Birth

Chapter 1: Black & White Apple

It was white in the beginning
The fires of temptation burn intensely
Consuming and scorching our true nature
What was beautiful is now lost
All has blackened
Isn’t the choice in our own hands
In truth
It was black from the very beginning

Walking / Joy of The Tribe/ About The Different Love / Black and White Apple

Chaper 2. Black Snake in The White

Cunningly, stealthily, coiled among the humid dampness
Armed with the razor sharpness of killing intent
With a blinding strike, the prey struggles no more

Hint: Diminishing White / Devouring Black

Chaper 3. Black & White Paths in The Ethereal City

Gone are the doors to the senses
Even the memory of numbness has faded
The opposites shall never meet
Flowing and moving but never touching
Cut off from the world
Beneath the invisible barrier

Hint: Little Rooms/ Partition/ Selfish

Chaper 4. A Family Where Black & White Tangled Up

Conflict and discord arising from the bonds of family blood
How did ethics come to be so confounded
In the grey area
Right seems to be wrong, White seems to be black
Everything is muddled and unclear
All wisdom is eroded and weak

Hint: Happy Little World/ Discord

Chaper 5. Reversion of Black & White

What is the origin?
A swirl of confusion
It is unclear
Returning     Recuperating

Severed        Smiled
The link that was lost
is found again
The beginning can always be white
The choice
is in our hands

Hint: The Black Pouring/ The Exit

Performance Record

April 2010 首演于吉隆坡表演艺术中心
Premiered at Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
August 2010 重演于吉隆坡表演艺术中心
Restaged at Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
April 2011 菲律宾国际舞蹈节 (段选)
Dance Xchange – Philippines International Dance Festival (Excerpt)
July 2012 北京舞蹈双周“另类平台” (段选)
Spring Board, Beijing Dance Festival (Excerpt)
January 2103 印度国家文化节闭幕演出 (段选)
Alva’s Virasat National Cultural Festival, Moodabidri, India (Excerpt)
July 2013 吉隆坡Tari国际舞蹈节 (段选)
Kuala Lumpur Tari’ 13 International Dance Festival (Excerpt)
August 2013 柔佛宽柔中学 (段选)
Fun Yew High School, Johor Bahru (Excerpt)
September 2013 邦咯海岛节 (段选)
Pangkor Island Festival (Excerpt)
April 2014 台湾巡回演出于台北、彰化、员林 (段选)
Taiwan Performance Tour at Taipei, Changhua and Yuanlin (Excerpt)
May 2105 台湾萍影舞集邀请于桃园展演厅演出 (段选)
Performance at Taoyuan Arts Centre upon invitation by Taiwan Ping-    Shadow Dance Theatre (Excerpt)
June 2016 马来西亚华穗节开幕演出 (段选)
Opening Performance, Malaysia Blossom Arts Festival (Excerpt)
October 2016 配合Eco Arts Festival重演于吉隆坡表演艺术中心 
Restaged at Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre in Collaboration with Eco Arts Festival 
May 2017 荣获第14届BOH金马伦艺术奖之 ‘最佳编舞’ 及 ‘Best of 2016’
Awarded ‘Best Choreographer in a Feature Length Work’ & ‘Best of 2016’ in 14th BOH Cameronian Arts Award
September 2018 舞团20周年制作《风中二十》(段选)
Excerpt performed in Dua Space’s 20th anniversary production ‘Amidst The Wind‘ (Excerpt)


更多 舞蹈




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