'CMCO' Nadirah
RM8.00/ approx NT$59.00RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00RM23.00/ approx NT$170.00RM33.00/ approx NT$243.00RM53.00/ approx NT$391.00RM100.00/ approx NT$738.00
RM8.00/ approx NT$59.00
RM8.00/ approx NT$59.00RM13.00/ approx NT$96.00RM23.00/ approx NT$170.00RM33.00/ approx NT$243.00RM53.00/ approx NT$391.00RM100.00/ approx NT$738.00
RM8.00/ approx NT$59.00
Duration: 2 hours
Funny, insightful and moving, award-winning Nadirah wrestles with the complex issue of religion by grounding it in a story about quirky family and ties that bind.
Oct 2020
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Instant Café Theatre’s Special
'CMCO' NADIRAH by Alfian Sa’at
Date & Time: Oct 24 (Saturday), 8pm
Directed by Jo Kukathas
Cast: Sharifah Amani, Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin, Farah Rani, Patrick Teoh and Neo Swee Lin.
Performed in English and Malay. (English, Malay and Japanese subtitles available)
CMCO (Conditional Movement Control Operations) Getting You Down? Confused by the ever-changing rules? Fed up with the double standards, the political manoeuvring and the ever-present religious hypocrisy. All of which means you once again can’t go to the theatre or your favourite music bar...
As an antidote to the CMCO we will be doing a one-day special screening of our production of Nadirah by Alfian Sa’at. This production starring Sharifah Amani as Nadirah was performed in Tokyo at Festival Tokyo in 2016 and never staged in KL. It will be followed by a live discussion where you get to ask the questions.
Gather your friends and family. Start a watch party. Meet up or log in together. Because people need people now more than ever.

When CMCO was announced, Instant Café and Parastoo Theatre had to postpone our show And The Came Spring as we were unable to continue rehearsing due to the movement restrictions. A lot of arts groups, individual artists and theatres had to cancel their shows leading to anxiety, loss of income and emotional and financial distress.
Pas-As-You-Like Tickets at RM8 RM13, RM23, RM33, RM53 & RM100
Instant Café is committed to making theatre financially accessible to everyone. Therefore, we have tiered our tickets to allow you to pay what you like with the more expensive ticket as a way for those who can to contribute to the cost of our ongoing projects and productions. Please pay what you can. We know these are difficult times for everyone. No matter what you pay you get a front row ticket.
[5% of proceeds will be donated to our partner Parastoo Theatre and their community theatre project on domestic violence during lockdown. The recent CMCO directly affected that project.
The rest will go towards Instant Café’s ongoing work and towards funding our next play And Then Came Spring.]
Work with us as we continue to build back our arts scene.

Nadirah is the popular and articulate Vice-President of her university's Muslim Society. She convenes inter-faith meetings where students talk about how they should respect one another's spaces.
Nadirah is also the product of a mixed marriage. Her father is a Malaysian Malay and her mother a Singaporean Chinese who had converted to Islam. One day, Nadirah's mother tells her that she's going to re-marry. To a man who's not Muslim.
Nadirah's best friend Maznah, believes that everyone has a right to happiness. Her senior, Farouk, however, is outraged and urges her to do 'the right thing’.
How does Nadirah make peace between various religions in school when she's having the same problems at home? Can mother and daughter worship different gods?
Will love or faith prevail?
Set in Singapore NADIRAH will resonate with Malaysian audiences as religion increasingly becomes not just a private matter of faith but a matter of public contestation.
#instantcafedigital #CMCONadirah #NadirahWatchParties #NadirahOnline #theatre #tellingstories #connectinglives #peopleneedpeople

Instant Cafe is a recipient of the 2020 Cendana Arts Organisation Funding Programme