
红楼梦 The Dream of Red Mansions

Symphony Theatre


日期16 Oct 2021




Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes



RM20.00/ approx NT$153.00




“The Dream of Red Mansions,” presented by Symphony Theatre, is a stage play that will give you an intense experience of the original classical masterpiece’s artistic charms.

The play “The Dream of Red Mansions” was met with overwhelming response, selling out tickets to 13 full houses!

100% of the proceeds from the tickets will be donated as Covid-19 medical supplies. Together, let’s do our part and show our love!




Oct 2021

8:00PM (GMT+8)

供48小时内观看, 直到19 Oct, 1am



“The Dream of Red Mansions,” an early, lengthy masterpiece, is performed in Malaysia for the first time in drama form. With the play based on the original historical novel of the same name, Symphony Theatre is bound to portray for you an unforgettable, passionate, and heart-rending love story.

This time, Symphony Theatre invited Jessie Chung to take the stage as lead actress, portraying the pure and unadulterated Lin Daiyu. Jessie Chung has performed in stage plays including “The Quatrain of Seven Steps,” “Moonlight,” “Music Box,” “Meant to Be,” “Tearless Sky,” “Afterglow” and more. Her superb acting skills caught the attention of the media and audience alike. She is known for her sold-out performances that are popular with and praised by theatregoers.


The lead actor, Terry Lim, was chosen out of a ton of applicants from around the world. Joining the ranks are lead actor of “Meant to Be,” the romantic, American director Paul Lee and lead actor of “Music Box,” the charismatic heartthrob Jeffrey Beh! Paul Lee, who was raised between the U.S. and Taiwan grew to be a character actor and has learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned in instructors in the U.S. As for Jeffrey Beh, he has also starred in several films, short films and music videos that are well-received. Jeffrey Beh, Paul Lee, and Terry Lim all majored in performing arts and music.

The cast of “The Dream of Red Mansions” is comprised of many experienced actors and actresses. To find the most suitable actor for the male lead, the team also went on a global search for Jia Baoyu. Symphony Theatre also invited American musician John Zoe Lee to compose the emotional theme song “Hearts Apart” and soundtrack song “A Dying Light in the Night” for the stage play.

One of the Four Great Classical Novels, “The Dream of Red Mansions” depicts various aspects of life and is a comprehensive, literary work that embodies the culture and wisdom of the Chinese. It will transport the audience into the world of the original novel so they can feel its profound literary treasures, enjoy its aesthetical presentation, and experience intensely the artistic charms of this classical masterpiece.

10 reasons why you must watch:


中国古代四大名著之首 《红楼梦》描绘了人生百态, 是一部能够体现中华民族文化与智慧的经典完美结合著作,带观众走进《红楼梦》的世界,体会《红楼梦》的深刻内涵,享受红楼作品的美学呈现,让观众深刻体验古典名著的艺术魅力。


“The Dream of Red Mansions” was adapted from true historical events and traces the bittersweet tragedy at the Rong Mansion between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, portraying their feelings for each other with an unforgettable, passionate, and heart-rending romance. The stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” not only allows us to appreciate life from a different angle, but also helps us reflect and ponder deeper upon our outlook on life.

It is worth mentioning that many people believe for Lin Daiyu of “The Dream of Red Mansions” to be the epitome of frailty. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Lin Daiyu was a brave and intelligent woman who dared—more than any woman in “The Dream of Red Mansions”—to challenge the worldliness around her.



很多人也把林黛玉比喻为水芙蓉,只因这种植物有 “出淤泥而不染” 的赞誉。贾宝玉与林黛玉纯真又刻骨铭心的爱情,更是红楼最凄美动人的故事。 透过根据史实与原著改编的《红楼梦》话剧,想带大家更深一层的认识出淤泥而不染的贾宝玉与林黛玉。


Many liken Lin Daiyu to a lotus, because the flower is known to grow out of the mud unsoiled. The pure and unforgettable love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu is the most poignant and moving story in “The Dream of Red Mansions”. Through “The Dream of Red Mansions” the stage play, we hope to give the audience a deeper understanding of the love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, a faithful love that’s unaffected by worldliness, that keeps its purity even in a filthy generation.

“The Dream of Red Mansions,” calling all lovers…

“Vain are all these idle tears, tears shed secretly—for whom?”






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